Thursday, February 15, 2018

Reflection on the Blog

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As well as the journal the blog project was a bit weird at first doing blogs instead of doing regular essays and giving it to the professor like any other regular class. I will admit that I’m not very good when I’m managing with technology, so you can imagine my reaction when the professor introduces this project. I was very scared and afraid because I didn’t know how to do a blog and my deeps fear was one of failing this class because of my inability with technology. I gota say I was completely wrong about blogger and the idea of creating a blog for a class and I was surprised on how easy it was to create a blog and I was even more surprised when found my blog in google. Even my mom wants to make a cooking blog now that she saw me working on this college blog and I’m happy for her. For me I’m even more happier because I manage to not only create a blog but for the first-time I felt like a professional worker in a company doing charts and graphs involving different themes.
I think this project was good because it forces me to confront a big problem that I had since the Eight grade and I want to keep working on improving my technological skills. Because I want to work in my own company and for that I really need to understand how technology works and how we interact with technology in everyday life. After all the troubles i went just to get this blog to look decent im glad to say that my blog is looking wonderfull.

Work cited
Pittman, Cynthia. Blog reflection by Gabriel Valcarcel. Class assignment PRRP Febuary 15 2018.

Reflection on the life compass

For starts the life compass was an interesting side project for our journal that consist in four evaluations of yourself: Awareness, Physical, Emotional and Mental. This was a good idea because at the end of each journals you can express yourself by making a circle with each factor indifferent positions representing your mind, also by using this activity you can study yourself an check was really bordering you an evaluate what tings should change about you attitude toward university or even your personal life. Another thing that  I really like about the life compass is that you can in a way calculated your emotions by number and that is very important to maintain in a college life especially when so much is going on around you. In short words is always cool to maintain a balance between these four factors.
                Now I’m going to tell my results through out 22 life compasses; In awareness I got a total of 50 points and in mental I got a total of 50 in does two oi got a very good balance. In Physical I got a little problem in the 22 life compasses I obtain a total of 30 a bit lower compared to awareness and mental, this means that I have to start exercised. And atlas in emotional I got a total of 79!!!! This is crazy!!! Looking at this I need t be more relax end take college more calmly if not can get a serious mental breakdown. But in conclusion I think that the life compass is a very good instrument for young and old people to use to analyze them self if they want to change something about their life.

This is a graph of all my Lifes compasses

Work cited
Pittman, Cynthia, Life compass reflection by Gabriel Valcarcel. Class assignment UPRRP. Febuary 15 2018

Journal reflection

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Not to disrespect the professor but at first t thought that the journals were a joke and that it would be a waste of my time, just imagine 5 days a week eight to ten minutes long shores that are about what’s in your mind. For me that was kind of stupid and I also think the rules were a bit ridiculous like the rule were you cant stop writing and you can’t fix your grammatical errors I really hated this two rules because it was oppose to all the things I was told in school and I always take time to write about any topic. The first Journals were a messed I didt know what to write about and in some cases I just flat out write nonsense or parts of the lyrics from my favorite song at that time. Another thing that really bother me was the reflection at the end of each single journal, oh my God that was so annoying not only I have to write about what was in my head but know I have to analyze and reflect all the journals! It seems I was going crazy, but something happened during the Christmas break.
                During the holydays I decided to dedicate time to the journals when I was more comfortable and that was a very good choice to make. I realize that dedicating time to a journal was not a bad thin and slowly I started to realize that the journals were a good way to not only improve your writing skills but to have a space were you can analyze what was going on in your mind at that moment and you can even make a character study about yourself. Regarding does two rules by the end of the journals I didn’t actually mind at all and didn’t bother me anymore. And looking at the journals you can see the different clearly; At first the journals were trash but as time progresses the journals were of better quality and longer/ ore detail. At the end I ended up liking the journals more and I planned to keep making more journals for my personal use.
Work cited
Pittman, Cynthia. Journal Reflection by Gabriel Valcarcel. Class assignment UPRRP. Febuary 15 2018

The grop project

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Let’s start by saying this I think group projects are very important both in school and in college to bring students new ways of teaching a well as letting them evolve their social skills and developed more teamwork abilities. In other words, group projects are very important for students that are looking for jobs that contains a lot of teamwork between different types of people from different parts of the world. This is not my first group project in the past I have participated from different group projects through out mi school life all the way to 12 grade and overall I have a very pleasant experience ignoring a couple of misunderstanding between members I can safely say I learned a lot from group projects.
                This is my first group project in college and I didn’t know any of my classmates until we sat down to look for a name. We ended up choosing The English Thunder because of the jacket o have from my previous trip to the USA, Thunder is a double A team in Trenton, New Yersy and I bought the jacket as a reminder of my first time I went to a baseball stadium in the USA and I love that jacket. We made a What’s app group chat to keep all of us in the same page and thanks to that group chat I was able to ask questions about the class another important stuff and that is in of the many things I love about this group project. Every time a group member had a question about the class or an assignment the group sort of united to look for an answer and that happened every single time an none of us didn’t get mad at another person for a silly mistake or a silly question. All the group member were chill and we threat every member with respect and we work as a single team everybody know what to do and not a single person did all the work.
                In conclusion I think this was an excellent project to star my college life and I hope that soon I participate in similar projects.

Work Cited
Pittman, Cynthia. Group Project. Reflection by Gabriel Valcarcel. class assignment UPRRP Febuary 15 2018

Thoughts on “The opposite sex” By Steven Dolff
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The Opposite sex s basically a story re a professor tells some children to think what the other gender behaves and what would you do if you were the opposite sex. Not to my surprise he male children did not know what to respond at least some of them, the ones who did manage to respond say some stereotypical responses like: “stay in the house cleaning” or “comforting my husband”. Because in reality many male children don’t really care about female (for their age) and many have a tainted view on how a women beave. In the other hand the female children answer by saying: “being fifty in the mud” or “working hard” also the female children have a tainted view on how a male should behave and what they are supposed to do. There are more examples and questions that the professor asks to the children but for me this are the most critical of them.
When I read this and analyze the story I can’t help but to feel bad nit just for the children but for me. Because I used to think like that and I used to criticize a person based on their gender not on what they are good at, and that’s bad.  Thankfully I think that we lived in a society that is pushing forward and many on the gender stereotypes are being ignored and instead we are using a merit system to analyze a person’s ups and downs. And for me that is very important for society.

Work cited
Pittman, Cynthia. The opposite sex by Steven Dolff. reflection by Gabriel Valcarcel. UPRRP. Febuary 15 2018

 Reflection on "Some say racisim exist in Perto Rico" by Rosario Fajardo

Many people think racism is not a problem in Puerto Rico or in the Caribbean in general and to that I have only one thing to say, this is 100% not true. In Puerto Rico I have seen how people mistreat Hattians and people from the Dominican Republic just for the fact that they are a bit darker in skin tone; But sadly, I’ve seen black Puerto Ricans being racist to Dominica’s and Hattians and for me that’s very sad we should be a united people not a bunch of racist people. But this doesn’t happen only in Puerto Rico yu can look at the current situation between The Dominican Republic and Haiti. In a Video by Vox on a border series they discuss the history and the current situation of the Haiti/Dominican border and I have never been so sad in my life Shure Haiti is a poor country but that doesn’t justify the treatment that some countries in and out of the Caribbean (including P.R) have given towards the Hattian people. I think we should unite to help our brothers and to build a bright future for their countrie and for ours.
This is a video from Vox that describes the situation in a good and well writen video

Work cited 
Pittman, Cynthia. Some say racisim exist in Puerto Rico reflection y Gabriel Valcarcel. UPRRP. Febuary 15 2018

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

What i learnd from Maria

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                 First of all, this is my first hurricane that I have ever experience in my life. I have lived through some tropical storms, but it was Maria the most difficult of all, this hurricane affected my life in an emotional way that I would never even think about it. Before the hurricane not many people were prepared for the devastation that would become Maria and we only prepared some supplies that for four family members would last at least 2 weeks.
                One thing that is funny is that during the hurricane most of the time I was asleep due to the storm’s winds, most of the time my room was cold and fresh just how I liked. I only woke up to help my father to remove some water that was entering in both my room and my brother’s room and to eat and drink my favorite juice. After the hurricane wen we exit our house to look how the rest of the neighborhood was and it was a complete disaster. But thankfully my family ant the community united to cleanup the neighborhood and also to clear the roads; I met new people and also, I discover that near my house was a family with two small children that I never met. After a few days we manage to clean all the devastation and at the end of the day we sit around eating some food from mu dad’s friend. For me at least hurricane Maria show me the importance of communities and how they are very important in our society especially in times of crisis.
Work cited
Pittman, Cynthia. Reflection on Huricaine Maria by Gabriel Valcarcel. UPRRP. Novembe 30 2017